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Join us for a class or Come Quilt With Me!

Watch for exciting classes this year (in person and online) in the right column under Highlights!

Our online Come Quilt With Me Zoom sessions are a lot of fun! We decided to try a new schedule and see how you all like it! We now offer Come Quilt With Me on every Sunday from 2pm to 6pm. Join your VCQ friends from your own studio! Sew blocks for ALS charity quilts, and bassinet covers. Or work on your own projects and chat with quilting friends. Or just stop in to chat!
Open to VCQ members only. Check our Members Only section for the Zoom link.

If you can, we invite you to make a donation to VCQ to help us navigate the many changes needed this year.

To join VCQ or renew your membership today,

We hope you enjoy our website. You may send general inquiries to info@vcq.org. If you have membership questions, please contact our membership chair at membership@vcq.org. Please send any web-related suggestions or corrections to: webmistress@vcq.org.

The Virginia Consortium of Quilters is a state-wide organization of quilters which meets three to four times a year in various parts of the state during non-pandemic years. Since 2020, we offer a mix of in person meetings and online classes. We are a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote quilting, provide community service and document quilting in Virginia. Our organization is open to everyone interested in quilting, and members come from surrounding states as well as Virginia. At each in-person meeting, we usually have a choice of workshops, lunch, and a short business meeting. In even numbered years we have a 4-day "Celebration of Quilting" retreat with national teachers at Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Center. Come join us to meet new quilting friends, learn new techniques and see the beautiful countryside of Virginia.

The Virginia Quilt Museum was founded in 1995 by VCQ members. It grew out of VCQ's documentation project of the early 1990's, which also led to publication of our book, Quilts of Virginia, 1607 - 1899.


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Gallery View pictures of members' quilts!



June 2024 Newsletter - Read our most recent newsletter, with all the latest! More info about our June in-person meeting with special events at the Virginia Quilt Museum.
Newsletter Archive - Read past newsletters.

Join VCQ or renew your membership ONLINE now!

At long last, you can pay online to join VCQ or renew your membership!

Membership Roster is Up to Date!

A current membership roster is available in the Members Only section. Log into the Members Only section and then scroll to the bottom under useful documents. Username and password are on the back of your membership card

BOM with Debby Kratovil

Debby Kratovil is offering a BOM of her Galaxy of Stars pattern FREE to VCQ members. You can join the fun anytime between now and August, 2024. Check the Members ONLY section for how to register.

Here is the brochure with all the details! See our FABULOUS list of teachers, classes and evening programs for CELEBRATION! 2024. We just can't tell you enough how excited we are about getting together at Smith Mountain Lake this year for VCQ's main event!
For each donation that you bring for the Silent Auction, please print this Silent Auction Bid Sheet, fill out the item name and description, and bring it with your item to Celebration!

VCQ Online Classes

Check back soon for info on our next virtual class! Our classes with David Sirota in February filled up in record time!

Please get the word out to Virginia teachers that VCQ is now both online and in person, and is looking for teachers who live in our state to offer their classes virtually or in person. Ask them to contact Elizabeth Gibson at programs@vcq.org.

Charity Quilts

Have you finished all your UFO's? Would you like to make a charity quilt?
Instructions are available here for bassinet covers for Children's Hospitals, or for Rail Fence Pinwheel blocks for ALS Charity quilts.

Virginia Quilt Museum

The Virginia Quilt Museum is looking for donated face masks to sell in their shop. If your guild is making Face masks and would like to make a donation to the museum, please contact the museum's Executive Director at director@vaquiltmuseum.org.

Please consider a donation to the Virginia Quilt Museum to help ensure its survival through this challenging time. Click here to make a donation now!

VCQ has a Facebook Group!
Sign up for a Facebook account if you don't have one, and join our group. It's so easy and fun! Share pictures, ask for help, and more! Read our easy step by step instructions.

Quilts of Virginia: 1607-1899
The book is the result of VCQ's quilt documentation project of the 1980's. Purchase from local quilt shops, Co-author Paula Golden, Publisher Schiffer Books, Amazon, Borders, or Barnes & Noble.
Read more about this wonderful book!

     Copyright © 2024 Virginia Consortium of Quilters, design and programming by InfoVisions