Celebration...every two years, the years ending with even numbers
(2022, 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030), our state-wide quilting organization, Virginia
Consortium of Quilters (VCQ), has a grand weekend of quilting, eating, and just
plain fun! Workshops are available with teachers from across the country. Or,
you can choose to sew on your own in the 'Come Quilt with Me' room. The
workshops are wonderful, the food is wonderful, and the friendships you make and
re-establish each time, are priceless.
Celebration 2024
Big thanks to our awesome committee co-chairs Deb Schupp and Kathy McCrea, and the committee for bringing us another fun Celebration in 2024. Committee members are Karen Brewster (President), Mary Grogan (Technology), Karilyn Pittman & Deb Schupp (Brochure), Debi Harding (Registration), Karen Brewster (Presiden's Challenge), Kelly Zuber (Publicity & President's Challenge), Deb Schupp (Teachers & Presenters), Tammy Halstead (Treasure Hunt), Wendy Collyer (Financials & Registration Desk), Jan Farrow & Karilyn Pittman (Silent Auction), Marty Moon & Joy Harnage (Block Lotto), Faye Hannah (Centerpieces & Pins), Arlene Goldberg & Debi Cross (TAG Team), Lynn Garver (Raffle Items, Welcome Bags & Door Prizes), Pamela Bowen, Karan Fisher, Sally Hurst and Bernie Posey (Girls Friday).
Celebration 2022
Big thanks to our co-chairs Susan Price and Deb Schupp and their committee for bringing us a wonderful Celebration weekend, despite the continuing threats from the Covid-19 pandemic. Committee members are Susan Price (Brochure and Teachers), Karin McElvein (Quilt Challenge), Phyllis Keesee & Gloria Brewster (Block Lotto), Kathy McCrea (Registration), Mary Grogan (Vendors & Technology), Wendy Collyer, Karin McElvein, Lynn Garver, Bonnie Timm (Tag Team), Betty Blessin (Silent Auction), Elaine Breiner (Centerpieces), Elizabeth Gibson (Tote Bag Challenge), Susan Brooks (Raffle Items/Welcome Bags/Door Prizes), Elizabeth Gibson, Karen Brewster (Girls Friday).
Celebration 2020
We are sad we needed to cancel Celebration for 2020, to keep our members safer during the Covid-19 pandemic, but we are hopeful much of the work done will smoothly transfer to 2022. Thanks to our previous president Heather Zavagnin for taking on Celebration Chair in addition to her very full job as VCQ President at that time. Committee members were Susan Price (Brochure), Karin McElvein (Quilt Challenge), Heather Zavagnin (Teachers), Phyllis Keesee & Deb Schupp (Block Lotto), Kathy McCrea (Registration), Mary Grogan, Wendy Collyer, Karin McElvein, Lynn Garver (Tag Team), Betty Blessin (Silent Auction), Elaine Breiner (Centerpieces), Elizabeth Gibson (Tote Bag Challenge), Susan Brooks & Heather Zavagnin (Raffle Items/Welcome Bags/Door Prizes), Jean Drake-George, Kathy Jolley and Signe Vaughan (Sunday Worship), Elizabeth Gibson, Karen Brewster, Robin Speck (Girls Friday) and Mary Grogan (Vendors). Click here for more information.
Celebration 2018
Thanks to co-chairs Susan Beard and Phyllis Mondak and their committee for bringing us another fun Celebration in 2018. Committee members are Phyllis Keesee and Wendy Collyer (Block Lotto), Judy Beigbeder (Challenge), Susan Fulton (Door Prizes), Karin McElvein (Registration), Alice Kennedy (Silent Auction), Deborah Schupp (Tag Team), Phyllis Mondak (Teachers), and Mary Grogan (Vendors). Click here for more information.
Celebration 2016
Thanks to Heather Zavagnin, Susan Price and their committee for taking on the responsibility to manage
the 2016 Celebration weekend. The committee included David Banks, Judy Beigbeder, Betty Blessin, Joan Clemons, Paula Golden, Kathy McCrea, Joan McGowan, Marty Moon and Robin Speck. Click here for more information.
Celebration 2014
Many thanks to Heather Zavagnin and her committee for the once again amazing 2014 Celebration weekend. The committee included Betty Blessin, Kitty Bull, Teena Crawshaw, Elizabeth Gibson, Marty Green, Monique Moody, Shar Peitz, Barbara Randall, and Sherry Whitford. Click here for more information.
Celebration 2012
Many thanks to Susan Virden, Barbara Gaffield, Mary Kenney, Kaye Pelley and Deborah Wright for another wildly successful
Celebration weekend in April 2012. Click here for more information.
Celebration 2010
Celebration 2010 was a huge success! Many thanks to the Ladies of the Lake: Marcia Wright, Kate Holdgreve,
Janie Lawless, Cindy Stachelski, Stephanie Schaefer, Sharon Pafford, Linda Quinn and Jean Hensley.
Click here for more info.