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Facebook Group

VCQ now has a Facebook Group!
If you already have a Facebook account, Click here to see our VCQ Facebook Group, then click on "Join".
If you don't yet have a Facebook account sign up now using these step by step instructions, and then join our group. It's easy and fun! Share pictures, ask for help, and more!

  1. Go to facebook.com
  2. Go to the section of the page that says, "Sign Up. It's free and anyone can join."
  3. Type in your first name, last name, and email address in the boxes provided.
  4. Where it says, "New Password:", make up a password to your account. It can be anything, even a nonsensical series of letters and numbers. Please do not use your name, birthday, telephone number, or anything that someone else could easily guess. Write it down on paper and keep this password handy because you will need to use it every time you wish to use the Facebook website.
  5. Where it says, "I am: Select Sex:", click on the blue down arrow. A box will appear that says "Female" and "Male". Click on the right one for you.
  6. Where it says, "Birthday:", click on the blue down arrow next to "Month:" and choose the month you were born. Then click on the blue down arrow next to "Day:" and choose the day you were born. Where it says, "Year:", choose the year you were born.
  7. Now click on "Sign Up".
  8. At the top of the page you will see a horizontal blue bar that says "Facebook" on the left end. On the right end of this bar there is a white box with the word "Search" in it. Click on the word "Search". Type in "vcq".
  9. A list will appear. On the list will be, "VCQ Virginia Consortium of Quilters". Click on "Join Group".
If you have any questions you can send an email to: webmistress@vcq.org

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