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Quilt Guilds

There are 83 guilds in Virginia.
They are listed here alphabetically by location.

Location Name & Address Meeting & Contact Info


Wolf Hills Quilters
SW 4-H Center, Hillman Highway
Abingdon, VA
2nd Saturday, 10am - 2pm

Email: theladyk4@theiyergroup.com


Cardinal Quilters
Trinity United Methodist Church
Alexandria, VA
2nd Friday, 10-noon
Barbara Zygiel: 703-765-9510
Email: tbsghthf@msn.com


Appomattox Court House Quilt Guild
Liberty Baptist Church
Appomattox, VA
4th Tuesday, 6:30 pm
Marsha Ryan: 434-352-2282
Email: luv2sew@shentel.net


Peaks & Pieces Quilt Guild
Main Street United Methodist Church
212 E. Main St.
Bedford, VA  24523
Meeting is 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm, social time beginning at 6pm. Join Sit & Sew any other Tuesday at 6:00PM. Facebook Peaks & Pieces Quilt Guild
Email: peaksandpiecesquiltguild@gmail.com
Website: www.peaksandpieces.com


Apple Valley Needle Threaders Quilt Guild of Berryville (AVNT)
VFW Post 9760
415 S. Buckmarsh St
Berryville, VA  22611
Meetings: 2nd Thursday 9:30am - 12pm
Bees/Workshops: 4th Thursday 9:30am - 1pm

Barbara Corey, President
Phone: 304-728-2820
Email: avntquilters@gmail.com
Website: www.avntquiltguild.org


The Quilting Party
Blacksburg Community Center
725 Patrick Henry Drive
Blacksburg, VA  24060
1st. Tuesday, 6:30PM Social Time
Program 7:00PM 1-~8:30PM

Mary Lough: MRLough@gmail.com
Email: KUTauber@aol.com
Website: kutauber.wix.com/the-quilting-party


Parlor Quilters
Crenshaw United Methodist Church
200 Church St.
Blackstone, VA  23824
Tuesdays, 9am - 2pm
Sandy Bernard
Email: sbernard@hovac.com

Bon Air

Hospitality Quilters
Congregation Or Ami
West Huguenot Road
Bon Air, VA
A chapter of the Richmond Quilters Guild
1st Wednesday, 9:30 am
Dorothy Griffith
Phone: 804-360-9492
Email: floralgran@aol.com


Quilters Unlimited - Burke
Lake Braddock Secondary School, small cafeteria
9200 Burke Lake Rd
Burke, VA  22015
2nd Wednesday (Business/Show & Tell, September - June) 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm Zoom Monthly Meeting, except Nov, Dec, and June
Email: QUTT@quiltersunlimited.org
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Quilters Unlimited - Centreville
Colin Powell Elementary School
13340 Leland Rd.
Centreville, VA  20120
2nd Thursday, 7:30pm
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Charlottesville Area Quilters Guild
Charlottesville, VA
General mailing address for the four area chapters: PO Box 6724
Charlottesville, VA 22906-6724
Email: president@cvillequilt.org
Website: cvillequilt.org


Crozet Quilters
Tabor Presbyterian Church
5804 Tabor Street, Crozet, VA
Charlottesville, VA
2nd and 4th Mondays, 10am-12pm
Contact Mary Creed-Pallone
Email: shipgirl@gmail.com


Grateful Threads- formerly Tuesday Morning Quilt Guild
The Center at Belvedere
540 Belvedere Blvd
Charlottesville, VA
Mondays, 10am-12pm
Contact Karen Burnette
Email: karenburne3@aol.com


The Center at Belvedere
540 Belvedere Blvd
Charlottesville, VA
2nd and 4th and 5th Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm
Contact Cherie Parks
Email: cherie_m_parks@comcast.net


Nelson County Quilters
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Lovingston, VA
Charlottesville, VA
1st and 3rd Monday from 7-9pm
Contact Debbie Truett-Speilman
Email: debbie.rick.speilman@gmail.com


Tidewater Quilters Guild - Saturday Chapter
Chesapeake, VA
First Saturday, Social 9:30am, meeting 10am
Oaklette United Methodist Church, 520 Oaklette Dr, Chesapeake
Email: TQGVA2@gmail.com
Website: www.tqgva.org


Twisted Stitchers Quilt Guild
Calvary Baptist Church
814 E. Virginia Ave.
Crewe, VA  23930
EVERY Thursday Sit and Sew
9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Email: cmoser291@yahoo.com


Culpeper Quilters Guild
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
115 N. East Street
Culpeper, VA  22701
First Thursday, 6:30pm
Cindy Siira, President
Meetings are at the Gathering Room of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Email: csiira@comcast.net


Stingray Stitchers Quilt Guild
Phillippi Christian Church
Route 33
Deltaville, VA
1st Monday, 7pm


Lake Gaston Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Prospect United Methodist Church
Ebony, VA
Our guild meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Social time starts at 9:30 AM and the meeting starts at 10:00 AM. Contact Victoria Quigley, 252-578-7480, for more information.


Meherrin Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Christ Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall
101 School St.
Emporia, VA
2nd Wednesday at 1:30 and 4th Tuesday at 7pm
Debbie Quitiquit: 434-634-9909
Marsha Headley: 434-634-5444

Fairfax Station

Quilters Unlimited - Fairfax
St. Peters In The Woods Episcopal Church
5911 Fairview Woods Drive
Fairfax Station, VA  22039
1st and 3rd Thursdays 10am
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org

Falls Church

Quilters Unlimited - Annandale
Sleepy Hollow Methodist Church
3435 Sleepy Hollow Rd.
Falls Church, VA
1st Wednesday, 10AM, Basting Bee, The Quilt Patch
2nd Wednesday, 10AM, Education Bee, A.C. Moore, 5800A Crossroads Center Way, Falls Church
3rd Wednesday, 10AM, Business Meeting & Program, Sleepy Hollow Methodist Church, 3435 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church VA
4th& 5th Wednesdays, 10AM, Service Bee (contact chapter for directions)
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org

Falls Church

Sisters' Choice Quilters
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
3022 Woodlawn Ave.
Falls Church, VA  22042
3rd Friday of each month, starting at 7pm
Debra Shelter
Email: icountxxs.@yahoo.com


Library Quilters
Augusta Co. Library
Fishersville, VA
Every Thursday, 9:30 - 11:30 am
Daisy Schrock: 540-946-8351


Floyd Quilt Guild
Floyd Center for the Arts
220 Parkway Lane S.
Floyd, VA  24091
1st and 3rd Mondays, 10-12

Website: www.floydquiltguild.wixsite.com/floydquiltguild


Queen Bee Stitchers
Franklin Library
280 North College Drive
Franklin, VA  23835
Dates vary, call Bobbi Suponski for current list of dates. Time is 6pm to 8pm. As of May 2010, scheduled meeting dates: May 17, June 29, July 21, August 25 and September 22.
Phone: 757-617-4522


Virginia Star Quilt Guild
The Lee Hill Community Center
1 H.C.C. Drive
Fredericksburg, VA  22407
3rd Wednesday, 7 pm
Open sew or program 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Facebook page https://facebook.com/VSQGuild/
Twitter https://twitter.com/VAStarQuilters
Email: vastarquilts@gmail.com
Website: www.vastarquilters.com


Stafford Piecemakers Quilt Guild (SPQG)
P.O. Box 611
Garrisonville, VA  22463
2nd Mondays, 6-8 pm
4th Mondays, 7-8:30 pm via Zoom or 6-8 pm at Porter Library, Garrisonville

Email: staffordpiecemakers@gmail.com
Website: www.staffordpiecemakers.com

Glen Allen

Friendship Circle Quilters
Greenwood United Methodist
Church Greenwood Road
Glen Allen, VA
3rd Saturday, 9:00am
Mary Colgin, President 804-559-8537


River Country Quilters
First Presbyterian Church
6470 Main Street
Gloucester, VA
4th Tuesday 7 pm
Mickey Sears 804-785-2180
Email: turkeytrax@gmail.com


54-40 African American Quilters of Virginia
Northampton Community Center
Todd's Lane
Hampton, VA
3rd Saturday @ 10 am
Website: www.5440quilters.com


Shenandoah Valley Quilters Guild
PO Box 913
Harrisonburg, VA  22801
3rd Saturday, 9:30AM
Sunnyside Retirement Community
Highland Building
100 Sunnydale Dr
Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Email: info@svqg.org
Website: www.svqg.org


Quilters Unlimited - Haymarket
Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department
3510 James Madison Hwy. (Rt. 15)
Haymarket, VA  20169
1st Thursday, 6:30pm Early Bird; 7pm Business Meeting & Program
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Tavern Quilt Guild
Rice’s Hotel/ Hughlett’s Tavern
Transportation Building
Heathsville, VA
1st Tuesday, 10am
Linda Montross: 804-580-2250
Tavern Office: 804-580-3377
Email: info@rhhtfoundationinc.org
Website: www.rhhtfoundationinc.org

King George

King George Village Quilters, Inc
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
5486 Saint Pauls Road
King George, VA  22485
2nd Friday 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Phone: 540-663-2544
Email: webeditor@kgquilters.org
Website: www.kgvquilters.org


Waterford Quilters Guild
Leesburg Senior Center
102 North Street, N.W.
Leesburg, VA  20176
2nd Wednesday, 10am
Vicki Currie, President
Email: presidentwqg79@gmail.com.
Website: www.waterfordquiltersguild.org


Rockbridge Pieceworkers Quilt Guild (RPQG)
Rockbridge Area Relief Association
350 Spotswood Dr
Lexington, VA  24450
Meeting: 2nd Saturday at 9:30 am
Come early for coffee

President: Mary Beth Baker
Email: GCXB3@Yahoo.com
Website: www.rpqg.org


Patches 'n Pieces Quilt Club
Calvary Baptist Church
20957 Timberlake Rd
Lynchburg, VA  24502
1st and 3rd Fridays, 9:30am

Facebook: Patches 'n Pieces Quilt Club
Email: info@patchesnpieces.org
Website: www.patchesnpieces.org


Seven Hills Quilt Guild
Heritage United Methodist Church
20438 Leesville Rd.
Lynchburg, VA
3rd Monday, 6:30 pm
Judy Gallagher: 434-534-9032
Email: sevenhillsquilt.guild@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/SevenHillsQuiltGuild


Virginia Reel Quilters
Bedford Library, Forest Branch
Lynchburg, VA
1st Saturday, 10am


Madison County Quilters' Guild
Madison Presbyterian Church
1236 Fishback Rd.
Madison, VA  22727
2nd and 4th Fridays, 1pm
Wendy Collyer, President
Email: wcollyer7175@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/madisonquilters


Novum Quilt Guild
Our Lady of the Blue Ridge Catholic Church
Madison, VA
Every Tuesday, 10 am - 3pm
Joy Sloane: 540 987-8859


Stone House Quilt Guild
Grace United Methodist Church
9750 Wellington Rd
Manassas, VA  20110
6:30pm second Tuesday
Contact: Shelly Reagan
Email: shellyreagan@gmail.com
Website: www.stonehousequilters.org


New Traditions Quilt Guild
First United Methodist Church
Marion, VA
4th Monday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
Karen Chamberlain, President
Phone: 276-783-2770
Email: dksm70@gmail.com


Virginia Foothills Quilt Guild
Piedmont Arts Association
Martinsville, VA
2nd Tuesday, 6:45 pm
Charlotte Gardner: 276-694-5256


Mathews Bay Quilters
Westville Christian Church
Mathews, VA
2nd Thursday, 9:30 am
Janet Gauthier
Email: gauthi16@msu.edu


Quilters Unlimited - McLean
McLean Baptist Church
1367 Chain Bridge Road
McLean, VA  22101
4th Tuesday, 10:00 AM
1st Tuesday 10AM bee all day
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Crazy Quilters
Mechanicsville Presbyterian Church
Atlee & Signal Hill
Mechanicsville, VA
A chapter of the Richmond Quilters Guild
1st Tuesday, 7 pm
Eileen Green
Email: egreen204@yahoo.com


New Bethesda Baptist Church
New Bethesda Road
Mechanicsville, VA
A chapter of the Richmond Quilters Guild
2nd Wednesday, 9:30 am
Tammy Weston
Email: luv2qwlt@comcast.net


Top of Virginia Quilters
Grace United Methodist Church
7882 Main Street
Middletown, VA  22645
1st Thursday, 1pm
Email: jan-miller@comcast.net


Richmond Modern Quilt Guild
Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church
1100 Mt. Pisgah Drive
Midlothian, VA  23113
3rd Friday, 6pm
Email: richmondmqg@gmail.com
Website: www.rmqg.net


The Pieceful Hearts Quilt Guild
Pisgah United Methodist Church
Midlothian, VA
3rd Tuesday, 7 pm
Pat Childress, President


Lake Quilters Guild
Bedford Regional Water Authority
1500 Radford Church Road
Moneta, VA  24121
3rd Tuesday, 1pm
Contact Membership Chair- Beverly Seaver

Email: bseaver214@aol.com
Website: www.lakequilters.org


Country School Quilters
Montpelier Community Center
Montpelier, VA
2nd Tuesday, 7pm.
Georgia Keene: 804-754-1684.

Mt. Vernon

Quilters Unlimited - Mt. Vernon
Hollin Hall Senior Center
1500 Shenandoah Road
Mt. Vernon, VA  22308
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 12:30PM
Bees: 12:30PM, all Tuesdays
Held in Room 216
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org

Newport News

Peninsula Modern Quilt Guild
Sunshine Quilt Corner
896 J Clyde Morris Blvd
Newport News, VA  23601
1st Saturday 10 am - Noon
No meetings in July & September

Email: peninsulamqg@gmail.com
Website: peninsulamqg.com

Newport News

Peninsula Piecemakers
PO Box 1062
Newport News, VA  23601
Day Chapter
Meeting Time: 2nd Friday of the month
9:30 am (social time)
10 a.m. - noon (meeting)
Meeting Place: Hilton Baptist Church, 101 Main St, Newport News, 23601

Night Chapter
Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month
6:30 p.m. (social time)
7:00-9:00 p.m. (meeting)
Meeting Place: Hilton Baptist Church, 101 Main St., Newport New, 23601

President: Debi Moore
Rep: Bonnie Timms
Website: www.ppqg.org

North Chesterfield

James River Heritage Quilters
Bon Air Christian Church
Buford Rd
North Chesterfield, VA
A chapter of the Richmond Quilters Guild
1st Wednesday, 6:30pm
No meeting in July
Elma Cooper, President
Phone: 804-320-8773
Email: elmacooper@gmail.com


Dolley Madison Quilt Guild
Orange County Public Works Building
Orange, VA
4th Tuesday, 6:00 pm
Suzanne Whiteside
Email: DMQGVA@gmail.com


Country Piecemakers
Powhatan Library
Powhatan, VA
2nd Saturday, 9-12pm
Colleen Woodcock: (804)543-0923
Email: theboard@countrypiecemakers.org
Website: www.countrypiecemakers.org


River City Quilt Guild
Grove United Methodist Church
1020 Tyler Avenue
Radford, VA  24141
2nd Thursday, 9:30am
Dottie McKinnon
Email: Dmckinnon4@gmail.com


RFM Quilters
Reedville Fishermen's Museum
Reedville, VA
1st Friday, 1-4pm
4th Tuesday 7-9pm
Phone: 804-453-6529
Website: www.rfmuseum.org


Quilters Unlimited - Reston
Armstrong Elementary
11900 Lake Newport Road
Reston, VA  20194
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 pm
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Bits and Piecers Quilters
Varina Ruritan
8081 Recreation Road
Richmond, VA
A chapter of the Richmond Quilters Guild
2nd Tuesday, 7pm
Donna Booth
Email: quilt2smile@gmail.com


Church Mice
St. Andrews United Methodist Church
Richmond, VA
2nd Tuesday, 7:30pm
Augusta Cole: 804-740-4227


Richmond Quilters Guild
Six chapters
Richmond, VA
The six chapters meet in Mechanicsville, Varina, Bon Air, Midlothian, and North Chesterfield at various times.
Barbara Vonada, President
Phone: 804-433-9735
Email:  rvaquiltersguild@gmail.com
Website: www.richmondquiltersguild.com


Star Quilters Guild
Christ Lutheran Church
2011 Brandon Avenue SW
Roanoke, VA  24015
Most months: 1st Monday, 7pm
Jan., July and Sept.: 2nd Monday, 7pm
Website: www.starquilters.org

Smith Mountain Lake

Lake Quilters Guild
Trinity Ecumenical Church, Rt. 11, Moneta
Smith Mountain Lake, VA
4th Tuesday, 1pm
Cindy Stachelski: 540-721-2588
Email: lakequilters@lakequilters.org
Website: www.lakequilters.org


Quilters Unlimited - Springfield
Springfield Fire Station
7011 Backlick Rd
Springfield, VA  22150
1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 9:30AM

Sit & Sew and Special Groups
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30AM

Quilting for Others
5th Tuesdays, 9:30AM
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org


Countryside Quilters
Community Lutheran Church
21014 Whitfield Place
Sterling, VA
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:30 pm
Contact Vera Cone by email for info.
Email: spicysopie@yahoo.com


Suffolk Quilters Guild
213 N. Main Street
Suffolk, VA  23434
Social time at 6:30pm
Meeting at 7pm
Cynthia Cossu
Email:  fabricladybug@aol.com


Quilters Unlimited - Vienna
Vienna Volunteer Fire Dept.
400 Center Street South
Vienna, VA  22180
3rd Tuesday, 7pm
Janet A. Marney, (703) 352-2795
Email: janet@marney.org
Website: www.quiltersunlimited.org

Virginia Beach

African American Sewcial Threaders Quilt Guild of Southeastern Virginia
Christian Church United
6049 Indian River Rd
Virginia Beach, VA  23464
First Saturday of each month from 10AM - 4PM
The purpose of the African American Sewcial Threaders Quilt Guild of Southeastern Virginia is to spotlight, share, encourage and preserve the art and history of quilt making through classes, workshops, exhibits, retreats and other means of sharing. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in the art of quilt making.

Virginia Beach

Tidewater Quilters Guild - Day Chapter
Virginia Beach, VA
2nd Monday; Social 9:45am, Meeting 10:15am
Bayside Baptist Church
1920 Pleasure House Rd, Va Beach
Email: TQGVA2@gmail.com
Website: www.tqgva.org

Virginia Beach

Tidewater Quilters Guild - Night Chapter
Virginia Beach, VA
2nd Monday, Social 6:30pm, Meeting 7pm
Community United Methodist Church
1072 Old Kempsville Rd., Virginia Beach
Email: TQGVA2@gmail.com
Website: www.tqgva.org


Fauquier County Quilters
Bethel United Methodist Church
6903 Blantyre Road
Warrenton, VA  20187
1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7pm
Paula Rabkin
Email: quiltcat007@gmail.com
Website: www.fauquiercountyquilters.org


Uptown Quilt Guild
Warsaw Baptist Church
226 Main St.
Warsaw , VA  22572
3rd Wednesday, 10am
Sharon Sampsell, President
Phone: (540) 710-5704
Email: swsampsell@gmail.com

West Point

Tri-Rivers Quilt Guild
West Point Christian Church
West Point, VA
3rd Monday, 7pm


Crafty Quilters
Whitestone Womens Club
Whitestone, VA
4th Tuesday, 6:45pm
Jeanne Rose: 804-435-9065


Colonial Piecemakers
King of Glory Church
4897 Longhill Road
Williamsburg, VA
1st Saturday, 9:30am
Website: www.colonialpiecemakers.com


Cabin Branch Quilters
Lake Ridge Baptist Church
1250 Clipper Drive
Woodbridge, VA
4th Monday, 7:00pm
Email: info@cabinbranchquilters.com
Website: www.cabinbranchquilters.com


Hands All Around Quilters Guild
Hedgefield Community Center
Wytheville, VA
2nd Tuesday
Venita Wolford 276-620-7376

Note: This information has been gathered from many sources. Please re-verify meeting dates, times, etc. before traveling to attend meetings of these groups.

Please send any changes to: webmistress@vcq.org

     Copyright © 2025 Virginia Consortium of Quilters, design and programming by InfoVisions